Spending a day at the beach (or your local waterpark) isn’t just for leisure &mdash it’s a prime case for rocking your personal style when hitting the waves. Beach towels, bikinis and flashy shades have to come along in a fashionable way, of course; but there’s always a whacky thing or two that you shouldn’t spend your beach trip without. Here’s some of our favorites that we’ve found on the web:
There’s no denying that the French know how to dress „très chic“, no matter the circumstance. Be it the posh waterfront of St. Tropez or the local backyard pool, it’s „savoir vivre“ all the way. So look no further than Hermès when it comes to five-star luxury beachwear that’s also affordable with this leopard-pattern beach towel that just roars in style and comes at EUR 98. Just please make sure to not spill your sunscreen on it &mdash it would tear our hearts to see this beauty stained.
Vienna ist the capital of Austria and its „Wiener Linien“ are the city’s public transport operator. Just like the Viennese they’re proud of their „Schmäh“ &mdash the fact that things in life, wink wink, should always be taken with at least a grain of humor. The Wiener Linien online shop not only offers model subway trams made of Lego bricks or Vienna-branded socks, they always provide you with a pair of beach sandals &mdash in a questionable sense of fashion, that is. The „Wiener-Letten“ is a play of words that only Viennese would truly understand, but it doesn’t take a „Wiener“ to „get“ the style of these flashy red companions. It may take some fashion courage to wear these babies outside, but they’re sure to turn some heads. Get your hands on these for EUR 19,90.
The „Tree People“ is an American brand specialized in sustainable fashion, and their polarized wayfarer shades just look the part. Made of organic bamboo wood, they’re easy to wear, water-proof and super eco-friendly. They’ll not only keep your eyes protected from harmful UV-rays, they also float on water (Monty Python’s Holy Grail, anyone?) so you’re set for a fashionable swim. Found on Amazon US for 24 Dollars (shipping to Europe available).
„Milo’s beachbag“ by Accesorize (found for EUR 59 on Accesorize’s website) screams hippie aesthetics mixed with cosmopolitan globetrotter vibes. This oversized darling holds enough space for your spare towel, a second set of swimwear, sunscreen and your complimentary pulp novel. Its inner lining is also fitted with a zipper-locked compartment for small but important things like your smartphone or purse that shouldn’t come in contact with water or sand. It’s sleek and pretty handy, all in all.
And finally, the best part: You can easily leave these things behind at your personal spot at the beach when you go grab an ice cone &mdash your handy minibag is the only thing that tags along, having your must important belongings always by your side.
Check out these fancy and freaky bring-alongs for your day at the beach